camera Alright, after creating your account and confirming your email address we are ready to take a detailed look at Notion's interface.

You should be able to see something like this page. Of course there might be some changes in your screen, based on the options you picked while setting up your account. So, In Notion there are 2 main areas you care about. The Sidebar and the Editor.


The sidebar is expandable and is your main navigation system. All the pages and databases you create will appear here and as we will see you can also nest pages inside each other for infinite levels of organization. Now let's explore the top of the sidebar, which contains several key features.

First there is your workspace switcher where you can find your name and if you click on it you can switch between workspaces you belong to, create a new one, join another one or log out. If you look closely you can also check out your plan option and the numbers of users that this workspace has.

Quick Find is your search tool in Notion and can also be triggered with with the Ctrl/Command Pkeyboard shortcut . I find myself using this shortcut very often because it can get you to the page you are looking for a lot faster than searching manually it on your workspace.

In 'All Updates' you can see every change that has been made by either you or your colleagues in this current workspace. This can be pretty useful if you can't remember what you previously did or if you want to see who changed what.

By clicking Settings & Members you can see more information about your account, your preferences, your plans and billing options as well as turn the dark mode on. Unfortunately there is not still an option where it changes modes based on your computer interface or the time of the day, so you will have to do it manually. The shortcut for that would be CMD + Shift + L. We will not get into much detail here, but you can check these different options freely by yourself.

Under that you can see the workspace area. You can open up any sidebar toggle to reveal pages nested inside pages, which can be also called nested pages. For database pages, you can open the toggle to see all the different views you've created of that database.

camera Don't worry about views and databases just yet, as we will talk about them in more detail in the coming lessons.

In favorites you can pin pages you need to access quickly to the top of your sidebar. This section will appear when you favorite your first page (click the Favorite button at the top right of any page you're on).

Template, Import & Trash

Now let's click that Template button which opens up our template picker. Here you can create a new page using starter content to help you accomplish any of 100+ jobs., as Notion website claims. We will talk more about templates and how to use them in a following lesson.

By clicking import you can easily transfer information from different apps and formats to Notion. For example if you are using Evernote or Trello you can automatically transfer your notes and projects to Notion! I would recommend doing that if you want to decide whether Notion could really replace either of these tools in your everyday life.

Trash contains all the pages you delete. You can drag and drop them in her and you can also click on trash to search, view and restore these pages. Notion has your back if you make any accidental errors, so feel free to delete as many pages as you want.

At the bottom left you can see the 'New Page' button, which you can use to create a new page. Alternatively you can click the plus sign next to a page name to add a page inside this particular one.

Sharing options

The menu bar is present on every page and it has the sharing options but also some more settings for the look and feel of each page. In more detail you can share each page with another Notion teammate or with the rest of the world. Note that if you want let someone edit your page you have to add them in your workspace and thus he must have a Notion account. Everyone with this link can access this page even if they are not using Notion.

Next to that is the comment button where it shows up all the different comments you or one of your teammates has made. We will discuss more on how you could use comments even if you are working on your own late in the class.

By clicking that clock icon you can see the page's history and any updates there have been made.

Now if you click the 3 dots you will see some extra options you have for changing the typography, the text size and the width of the whole page. If you choose lock page no editing will be allowed and you can do that if you don’t want to accidentally change anything in the page. In this section you can also find the export and import options which can be really useful, especially the export as PDF or CSV one. If you click customize you will see some other options such as how to see backlinks. These are other pages that are linking this specific page. For example here you can see how does this look and it can be pretty handy at some instances.